Maarif International High School Students Visit IBU for an Engaging University Experience

Fourth-year students of Maarif International High School-Tetovo had the opportunity to visit International Balkan University (IBU) for an insightful and interactive experience.


The visit began with a comprehensive presentation about the university, where students learned about the diverse academic programs, admission opportunities, and campus life at IBU.


Following the presentation, students were taken on a guided tour of the campus, exploring the university’s modern facilities, classrooms, and student areas, giving them a real feel of the academic environment at IBU.


A key highlight of the visit was the "Exploring Career Paths" workshop, organized and facilitated by the representatives from the Department of Psychological Counseling and Guidance (PCG): Assoc. Prof. Dr. Katerina Mitevska Petrusheva, Asst. Fatime Ziberi and Asst. Sonaj Bilal.


During this session students actively participated in engaging, interactive, and fun activities designed to help them reflect on their career aspirations, strengths, and future goals.


The visit concluded with a special moment as all participating students were awarded certificates of participation, recognizing their active engagement and commitment in this enriching experience.


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