Faculty of Engineering

About Department

The PhD in Architecture at the Faculty of Engineering is a three-year research advanced academic degree focusing on research and scholarly work in the field of architecture offering the opportunity for independent research under the supervision of a departmental accredited member of staff.


It typically involves a deep exploration of theoretical and practical aspects of the discipline, including design methodologies, urban studies, historical contexts, environmental sustainability, and technology in architecture.


PhD candidates engage in rigorous coursework, comprehensive exams, and original research, culminating in a dissertation that contributes new knowledge to the field. The program fosters critical thinking, analytical skills, and creative problem-solving, preparing graduates for careers in academia, research institutions, or specialized practice.


Overall, a PhD in Architecture emphasizes enhancing the understanding of architectural practices and influences, contributing to innovative design solutions, and informed policy-making in the built environment.

Academic Staff


Asst. Prof. Dr.

Jordan Bojadjiev

Prof. Dr.

Aleksandar Andovski

Prof. Dr.

Viktorija Mangaroska

Assoc. Prof. Dr.

Jelena Ristic


Kefajet Edip


Nadica Angova Kolevska

Asst. Prof. Dr.

Marija Miloshevska Janakieska


Arbresha Ibrahimi

Asst. Prof. Dr.

Marko Icev


Vjosa Saraçini


Faton Kalisi


Blerta Imeri


Jasna Grujoska-Kuneska

Course Plan

No. Code Name Semester Weekly Hours ECTS Year Type Syllabus
1 ENG 101 English Language I Fall 2 + 1 5.0 1 Compulsory
2 CE 101 Computer Skills Fall 2 + 1 5.0 1 Compulsory
3 PR 101 Communication Skills Fall 2 + 1 5.0 1 Compulsory
4 MATH 101 Mathematics I Fall 2 + 1 5.0 1 Compulsory
5 ARCH 101 Basic Design Fall 2 + 1 5.0 1 Compulsory
6 TUR 101 Turkish Language I Fall 2 + 1 5.0 1 Elective
7 MK 101 Macedonian Language I Fall 2 + 1 5.0 1 Elective
8 MK 102 Macedonian Language II Fall 2 + 1 5.0 1 Elective
9 TUR 102 Turkish language II Fall 2 + 1 5.0 1 Elective
10 ARCH 207 Computer Aided Design Fall 2 + 1 5.0 1 Compulsory
11 ENG 102 English Language II Spring 2 + 1 5.0 1 Compulsory
12 ARCH 102 Architectural Design I Spring 2 + 2 5.0 1 Compulsory
13 ARCH 103 Design Studio I Spring 0 + 4 5.0 1 Compulsory
14 ARCH 104 History of Architecture and Art I Spring 2 + 2 5.0 1 Compulsory
15 ARCH 105 Introduction to Architecture Spring 2 + 2 5.0 1 Compulsory
16 ARCH 201 Architectural Design II Fall 2 + 2 6.0 2 Compulsory
17 ARCH 202 Design Studio II Fall 0 + 4 5.0 2 Compulsory
18 ARCH 203 History of Architecture and Art II Fall 3 + 0 5.0 2 Compulsory
19 CIV 202 Statics Fall 2 + 1 5.0 2 Compulsory
20 ARCH 204 Technical Drawing for Engineers Fall 0 + 2 4.0 2 Elective
21 GD 206 History of Modern Art Fall 2 + 1 5.0 2 Elective
22 ARCH 213 Acoustics in Architecture Fall 2 + 1 4.0 2 Compulsory
23 ARCH 205 Architectural Design III Spring 2 + 2 5.0 2 Compulsory
24 ARCH 206 Design Studio III Spring 0 + 4 5.0 2 Compulsory
25 ARCH 207 Computer Aided Design Spring 2 + 1 5.0 2 Compulsory
26 CIV 204 Strength of Materials Spring 2 + 2 6.0 2 Compulsory
27 ARCH 213 Acoustics in Architecture Spring 2 + 1 4.0 2 Elective
28 MAN 212 Entrepreneurship Spring 2 + 1 5.0 2 Elective
29 CIV 301 Theory of Structures I Fall 2 + 2 6.0 3 Compulsory
30 ARCH 313 Landscape Architecture Fall 2 + 1 4.0 3 Elective
31 CIV 309 Reinforced Concrete Fall 2 + 0 4.0 3 Compulsory
32 CIV 314 Building Technology and Materials Fall 2 + 1 5.0 3 Elective
33 ARCH 302 Architectural Studio V Spring 0 + 4 6.0 3 Compulsory
34 CIV 309 Reinforced Concrete Spring 2 + 0 4.0 3 Elective
35 BA 306 Law and Ethics Spring 2 + 1 5.0 3 Elective
36 ARCH 304 Architectural Design V Spring 2 + 2 6.0 3 Compulsory
37 ARCH 305 Design Studio V Spring 0 + 4 6.0 3 Compulsory
38 RMNS 307 Research Methods in Natural Sciences Spring 2 + 1 5.0 3 Compulsory
39 CIV 310 Pre-stressed Concrete Spring 2 + 0 4.0 3 Elective
40 ARCH 307 Theory of Architecture Spring 2 + 1 5.0 3 Elective
41 ARCH 399 Internship Spring 0 + 0 4.0 3 Compulsory
42 ARCH 301 Architectural Design IV Spring 2 + 2 6.0 3 Compulsory
43 ARCH 302 Design Studio IV Spring 0 + 4 5.0 3 Compulsory
44 ARCH 408 Architectural Conservation and Restoration Fall 2 + 1 4.0 4 Elective
45 ARCH 402 Design Studio VI (Project 1) Fall 0 + 4 6.0 4 Compulsory
46 ARCH 405 Design Studio VII (Project II) Fall 0 + 4 6.0 4 Compulsory
47 ARCH 406 Planning Studio Spring 2 + 1 5.0 4 Elective
48 CIV 403 Infrastructure Structures Spring 2 + 1 5.0 4 Elective
49 ARCH 413 Sustainable Architecture Spring 2 + 1 4.0 4 Elective
50 CIV 402 Steel Structures Spring 2 + 0 4.0 4 Elective
51 GD 407 3D Computer animation Spring 2 + 1 5.0 4 Elective
52 CIV 404 Hydraulic Structures Spring 2 + 0 4.0 4 Elective
53 ARCH 403 Contemporary Issues in Architecture Theory Spring 2 + 1 4.0 4 Elective
54 ARCH 405 Design Studio VII (Project II) Spring 4 + 2 6.0 4 Compulsory
55 ARCH 407 Interior Design Spring 2 + 1 5.0 4 Elective
56 ARCH 414 Industrial Design Spring 2 + 1 5.0 4 Elective
57 ARCH 404 Urban Planning Spring 2 + 2 6.0 4 Compulsory
58 ARCH 401 Architectural Design VI Spring 2 + 2 6.0 4 Compulsory
Course Name Semester Syllabus
First Year
Turkish Language I Fall
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Macedonian Language I Fall
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Macedonian Language II Fall
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Turkish language II Fall
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English Language I Fall
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Computer Skills Fall
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Communication Skills Fall
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Mathematics I Fall
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Basic Design Fall
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Computer Aided Design Fall
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English Language II Spring
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Architectural Design I Spring
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Design Studio I Spring
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History of Architecture and Art I Spring
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Introduction to Architecture Spring
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Second Year
Technical Drawing for Engineers Fall
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History of Modern Art Fall
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Architectural Design II Fall
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Design Studio II Fall
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History of Architecture and Art II Fall
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Statics Fall
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Acoustics in Architecture Fall
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Architectural Design III Spring
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Design Studio III Spring
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Computer Aided Design Spring
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Strength of Materials Spring
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Acoustics in Architecture Spring
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Entrepreneurship Spring
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Third Year
Theory of Structures I Fall
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Landscape Architecture Fall
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Building Technology and Materials Fall
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Reinforced Concrete Fall
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Architectural Studio V Spring
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Architectural Design IV Spring
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Design Studio IV Spring
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Reinforced Concrete Spring
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Law and Ethics Spring
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Architectural Design V Spring
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Design Studio V Spring
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Research Methods in Natural Sciences Spring
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Pre-stressed Concrete Spring
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Theory of Architecture Spring
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Internship Spring
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Fourth Year
Design Studio VII (Project II) Fall
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Architectural Conservation and Restoration Fall
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Design Studio VI (Project 1) Fall
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Contemporary Issues in Architecture Theory Spring
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Architectural Design VI Spring
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Interior Design Spring
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Industrial Design Spring
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Urban Planning Spring
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Planning Studio Spring
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Infrastructure Structures Spring
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Sustainable Architecture Spring
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Steel Structures Spring
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3D Computer animation Spring
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Hydraulic Structures Spring
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Design Studio VII (Project II) Spring
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