The University Senate is headed by its President. Each faculty delegates two members in the composition of the Senate.

Rector, Vice Rectors and Secretary General participate in the works of the Senate, without the right to vote.

Senate is the parliamentarian forum of the university, where academic matters are discussed and deciced.

The organization, duties, procedures and presidency of the Senate are stipulated in the articles 93, 94, 95 and 96 of the Law on Higher Education of the Republic of North Macedonia (Official gazette no. 82, 08.05.2018) and articles 24-29 of the Statute of International Balkan University.

Senate of IBU in its 6th session held on 14th April 2021 elected Prof. Dr. Kire Sharlamanov for President of the Senate.

Previous Presidents:

  • Prof. Dr. Bejtulla Demiri