2024/2025 Academic Year, Course Schedule, Spring Semester
Faculty of Engineering |
Faculty of Law |
Faculty of Education |
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences |
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Faculty of Dental Medicine |
Faculty of Art and Design |
Vocational Medical School |
2024/2025 Academic Year, Fall Semester FINAL Exam Schedules
Faculty of Engineering |
Faculty of Law |
Faculty of Education |
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences |
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Faculty of Art and Design |
Faculty of Dental Medicine |
Vocational Medical School |
2024/2025 Academic Year, Fall Semester MAKE-UP Exam Schedules
Faculty of Engineering |
Faculty of Law |
Faculty of Education |
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences |
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Faculty of Art and Design |
Faculty of Dental Medicine |
Vocational Medical School |
2024/2025 Academic Year, Course Schedule, Fall Semester
Faculty of Engineering |
Faculty of Law |
Faculty of Education |
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences |
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Faculty of Dental Medicine |
Faculty of Art and Design |
Vocational Medical School |
2023/2024 Academic Year, Course Schedule, Spring Semester
Faculty of Engineering |
Faculty of Law |
Faculty of Education |
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences |
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Faculty of Dental Medical |
Faculty of Art and Design |
Vocational Medical School |
2023/2024 Academic Year, Spring Semester Final Exam Schedules
Faculty of Engineering |
Faculty of Law |
Faculty of Education |
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences |
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Faculty of Art and Design |
Vocational Medical School |
Faculty of Dental Medicine |
2023/2024 Academic Year, Spring Semester Make-up Exam Schedules
Faculty of Engineering |
Faculty of Law |
Faculty of Education |
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences |
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Faculty of Art and Design |
Vocational Medical School |
Faculty of Dental Medicine |
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